OISS Friends Meet

OISS Friends Meet

On September 28th, ARRUF Executive Committee Members Anne Schnoebelen, Viqui Arbizu-Sabater, and Clarence and HiIlary Miller met their international graduate students at the annual Office of International Students and Scholars "match" event. This year a record number of international students and scholars joined us on the Rice campus, and OISS director Adria Baker needs volunteers to serve as U.S. Friends to ease their transition to full participation as researchers and students.

Shown below standing between Clarence and Hilary Miller is Hanzhang Song, a student from Hangzhou, China. He is in the professional master’s degree program in computer science.

If you have had experience in universities abroad, you know the kind of adjustments a newcomer has to make. Build on that experience by helping, in turn, one of the international graduate students and scholars by contacting OISS.
