At the annual meeting, Jane Chance was asked to describe her recent publications as an example of the items that should be included in the new collection of individual profiles. These profiles will appear under "MEMBERS" on the ARRUF Website and will be referenced through links in future website news articles.
Jane has had an exceptionally busy retirement, producing several scholarly works and two volumes of poetry. The first volume of poems, Only Begetter, was published in 2014. The forthcoming second volume bears the title, The Middle Ages, "pun intended," she noted wryly. She is especially pleased with her most recent scholarly work, Tolkien, Self and Other: This Queer Creature (The New Middle Ages) because, she says, it sums up her earlier work on diversity in Tolkien. The book was the catalyst for Tolkien and Alterity, a collection of essays published by Palgrave in her honor and edited by two Tolkien colleagues.
Jane also participated in an interview with Michelle Smith in 2017 to produce an academic memoir, which is an example of one possible kind of memoir to be produced in the Academic Memoirs Project. June Ferrill will lead a session for individuals interested in working on memoirs on September 21. Other memoir examples about C. Sidney Burrus and George Hirasaki are also on the MEMBERS page. No one expects to offer a publications history to match Jane's, however.
Jane Chance Interview Summer 2017